Tuesday 2 October 2012

camping is (not so) fun.

I just got back from my silver IA practise trip, which mostly was kayaking and camping and fucking up your entire digestive system and chafing your bum and getting bad tan lines and sunburns. Well it surprisingly wasn't complete hell like the last trip to yaolin for the bronze practise, sometimes being a pessimist makes things turn out a lot better in comparison. I also found out that people don't turn out the way you think they are all the time (well I already knew that) but sometimes they turn out better than what you perceive them to be. Which is, of course, a nice surprise that you can't tell anyone because they would think you're a judgmental bitch.
Well other than (pardon my explicitness) not taking a shit for 4 whole days, nothing went particulary wrong, except I didn't like the guide I got cause she always makes you think you're making bad decisions, (I fucking hate it when people do that, it actually makes me want to punch them in the face - which is what 6 to 7 year old me would do, but maybe not in the face)
I was in the all girls group cause there were only a handful of girls this year. The boys colossally fucked up, and we would have been the only group to pass if this were the real trip. One of the boys groups didn't even bring gas, so they wouldn't have been able to cook any dinner if it wasn't for us, we also gave them food among other things, because one of them forgot to bring the bread. The other boys group also failed for various other reasons.  So I'd rather proud of my group, and I got to know people from my year I wouldn't normally talk to, so that was nice. I still feel like the awkward out of place one all of the time, but well, at least there was interaction with other people.

I'm currently home alone for today, tomorrow and most of thursday, so I'm going for a barbeque at Alex's house and sleeping over. I should pack but really I'm too fucking tired to do anything. I just spent to whole time back drinking starbucks, eating a massive burger with sweet potato fries and a ceaser salad on my own. Then drinking (alcohol) and watching Dexter. (I really need to not get into the habit of drinking alone) the first episode of season 7 WAS FUCKING INTENSE. I am so excited for this season.

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