Sunday 23 September 2012

Not even real.

That's what this week will be like, because on who gives a shit about the biology test I have tomorrow when I'm seeing Maroon 5 and The Cab on Tuesday! (so fucking excited for that!) I'm sorry I don't know why I swear so much now, but it happens. Then on Saturday morning it's off to Yaolin (again, omg that place was HELL last time) for IA, where I hope I don't die. I swear if the bloody flood gates don't open tomorrow and instead happen when I'm on IA I'm going to be so fucking mad. I hope the cuts I got all over the soles of my feet and shins close up by then, because we'll be in the water 80% of the time, at least, I don't want to get bloody infections. I swear I'm the biggest wound magnet, literally everywhere I go, I come back with some scar or another.

well I haven't even started revising for bio, I shall try my best to do that during lunch. whoops, I really need to see the counselor bout this inability to do any homework at home, it doesn't make any bloody sense. I've just been watching Bad Education (which is hilarious.... "I'm fifteen and he's twenty-three, what will it feel like?" "ILLEGAL CHANTALLE!") and doing things like thinking about make-up (I don't even know why), looking at facebook and twitter AND tumblr all day. I don't know, we went out for lunch and then nothing seemed worth doing, I really need to get my shit together.

I am going to be in the same place as Adam Levine in less than 2 days though. *fangirl feels*

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