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Matty and George progressively wore less clothes from this point onwards |
Got the stage photos off Heather's Tumblr, there's more over there and on her instagram if you want to check them out.
So this was one of the best nights of my life, granted it was hot and hell, the most I've ever sweated at a gig and people were fainting all around me - which did leave me worried and asking "Are you okay" to everyone around me like after every song. Nevertheless it was still fucking amazing.
I painted my own band tee, because the last time I did that for fall out boy it just made the whole experience so much more memorable.
Matty came out and said "your country does terrible things to my hair" and I was like "YESSS I KNOOOWWW, JA FEEL", seriously though, I don't remember the last time I coped with letting my hair down in Singapore - it just gets more and more fizzy in the humidity and it is like a scarf here, I can't deal with that.
They played:
I was so happy that they played Milk because it's such a fun song to jam out to, and So Far (It's Alright) was exactly what I needed because that song just makes you feel better no matter what. I was basically screaming out every song (and trying really hard to dance with all the people in the way). Head.Cars.Bending. (enough said) Heart Out was freaking magnificent with John on the sax, literally nothing beats a live saxophone.
There was a minor issue when everyone shoved forward and our area just like domino-ed over each other, and I ended falling on Clara, but we were okay and Heather helped me up before I got trampled (there was literally no space to push yourself up, it was just bodies against bodies and you are probably had as much foreign sweat on you as you had your own sweat) Matty started giving water out (my video on instagram of Talk! shows that), and refused to play until people got hydrated and water was in being given to the audience because he is a sweetheart. The security guards started giving water out and I shared water with about the 20 other people around me so yeah...that happened but oh well, it's so much better than passing out.
Robbers was just amazing like the entire performance plus the audience involvement, like everyone around you was as in to it as you were and you were there in this crowd of people all screaming "NOW EVERYBODY'S DEAD!!!!" Chocolate was perfect as always, //T H A T'S W H A T S H E S A I D// Matty was just leaving gaps for the audience to fill and making the cutest little movements and faces. and the whole crowd was cheering for SEX before the encore, and they closed with SEX and George did this epic drum solo where he continued to make more epic drum faces, as he did throughout the show.
I wish that night lasted forever, I was completely unaware of the pain in my foot till after, and I forgot I had been sick before and when the music was playing or Matty was talking everything was freaking ace and like was perfect.
I literally cannot wait till their next album because I more than liked every song on this one! In an interview Matty said the wanted to release it exactly 2 years from the first one, which means September 2nd 2015. (That will be a great early birthday present)